HAPPY PUPPY (translation from Finnish E.Tuchnina)

7-8 weeks
Puppies at the age of 7-8 weeks are ready to move to a new house. At this age, the puppies basically form the standards of the idea of the world, so they need to be given the opportunity to receive as much new experience as possible. For puppies, moving from a familiar environment of dogs to human society is a serious event. First, the puppy should be given the opportunity to quietly get acquainted with the new family and housing. Only after it is worth familiarizing with other people and the new environment. The experience of dating a puppy with a new environment should be as positive as possible, as negative experiences can further affect the behavior of the puppy.
8-10 weeks
Mom-dog treated the puppy with understanding and affectionately, therefore in the new house with the puppy it is necessary to address also. From the very beginning, the puppy should be treated correctly, caressing it and often being with him. In the new house the puppy gets to know people, and it is important that he has good relations with them. A small puppy needs first a long sleep, and he should be given the opportunity to sleep in peace.
10 weeks
The puppy has adapted to a new family and a new environment. At this age is to introduce the puppy to the outside world. Take it with you to various activities. Since different puppies react differently to the situations that arise, there is no point in comparing your puppy to others. Dogs learn the cleanliness of the room individually. Under the condition of training, even a four-month-old puppy is often ready to keep clean. Sometimes, after all, unpleasant things can happen to him, you can not pay attention to it. At the age of about four months, the puppy’s teeth change. He wants to gnaw because his gums itch and hurt. It’s worth to remove the shoes and all the things that you do not want to give him to gnaw. Provide it with suitable items for gnawing: toys and bones. At this age puppies can become self-willed. This stage of development is called difficult age. When a puppy begins to become independent, he does not always obey your will. Then it becomes extremely important that they are treated with precision and determination. The dominant dog can not be given to command the master, but, although you command it, she must be made to feel that it’s nice to be with you. At a young age the dog has a great need to do something. You can direct her energy, giving her the tasks under which she will squander her energy.
The dog ripens at the age of about 7-15 months. The difference between large and small dogs is quite large. At puberty, especially the males begin to sniff the odor left by other dogs on the street. Thus, their interest switches from you to smells and other approaching dogs. It is extremely important that your contact with the dog is preserved and that the dog does not forget to hear that you are ordering her. Sexual maturation for a bitch marks the beginning of estrus. The estrus lasts about three weeks, and pauses between estrus averages about six months. At the beginning of heat, you can see that the bitch licks himself more than usual, and drops of blood remain on the floor. When the dog notices the smells left by the bitch, he becomes restless. He can refuse food and screech restlessly at home, asking him to let him sniff the tracks again. The situation calms down when the estrus near the neighbor’s dog ends.
Allowed & Denied
Contradictory behavior of people leads to uncertain behavior of the dog, the dog needs a consistent master. All family members should treat the dog equally. Dogs are much easier and more reliable to obey clear instructions than to act according to the preferences of each. If, for example, you do not want an adult dog to climb onto a bed, sofa or chair, then do not allow this and the puppy.
Learning as a Game
A disobedient dog can be a significant hindrance to family and other people. Many clubs and unions organize puppy training circles for still quite small dogs. Training begins as a game as soon as the pup gets into the house. An old dog can also be taught new tricks, but it takes a lot of time and effort. When teaching a puppy, it is important that he is appropriately rewarded so that he does not get tired too much during long classes. The most common bad habits, which should be removed still young, is begging from the table, jumping on people and, when pulled by the sleeve. First the puppy is taught his own name. Call it by name when stroking and feeding. So he will soon learn to react to his name, if you call him in pleasant situations for him. Repetition and patience are necessary when raising a puppy. A puppy can be taught not to pull a leash if, when it pulls, you will stop and wait until the puppy returns to you, wondering why you do not go ahead. Continue to walk until the puppy begins to pull again. Stop again and wait. Repeat the same if necessary. Then the dog will understand that leaving the leash free, you can go ahead.
Teaching cleanliness in the house
Training puppy cleanliness in the house begins immediately after his move. A very small puppy can not stand it for long. Puppy is taken when necessary in a suitable place immediately after sleep, play or eating. After the puppy does his business in a suitable place, he is thanked. At home, you first have to secure yourself with the help of the newspapers spread out on the floor. The breeder often teaches puppies to go to the newspapers, so in the new house this practice will be familiar to him. The puppy immediately put on the newspaper after he woke up, or if in the middle of the game he anxiously looks for a suitable place. Immediately after this puppy thank. If the puppy has trouble, then slowly wipe the puddle, not paying attention to the puppy. If you start to pronounce the puppy and shake it, then as a herd animal, it will take such attention as approval. Leaving without attention in turn is a punishment. It is sensible to remove the carpets at first time in those rooms where the puppy will live, since the dog prefers to do its business in places where it can lean on the paws. Therefore, she often chooses a carpet.
Toys that can be gnawed are needed during the replacement of teeth
A dog should have toys that she can play and that she can bite. Best fit, for example, from the skins made bones and toys, from which, biting, you can not nibble pieces. From the very beginning, the puppy must be made to understand that his teeth are only for eating. Even a small puppy can zealously defend his bone, growl and show his teeth. It is necessary to get rid of this directly, and the puppy should be taught to voluntarily give away both bones and other toys and objects on the command: "Give." As an exchange, you can offer a toy or a treat. When the puppy starts to understand that you need to give the clamped object in the teeth without snarling and barking, stroke it and return the toy or bone.
Walk is cohabiting
Fresh air and movement during a walk from the point of view of the health of the dog are as important as proper nutrition. When walking a dog gets acquainted with the surrounding world, nature, cars, other dogs and people. Walking is also a joint stay. Too long walks with the puppy should be avoided. Puppy itself needs to determine the need for movement and rest. Only about half a year old dog is fully ripe for long walks. A freely puppy can run according to his strengths. It’s just good for his developing muscles. Teach your puppy to follow you, not vice versa. It is best to teach the puppy this when he is still very young. If you can walk slowly without calling a puppy, then he will learn to take care of not getting lost. If you have several dogs, try to make the puppy one as often as possible, so that the puppy is used to you, not to the dogs, and has learned to follow you. The walk should be combined with small exercises for training such as the team "to me", "place", walking next to the master, not dragging the leash, following without leash and giving objects on command "Give." To teach a young dog should be in a quiet place gradually and for several minutes at a time. If the dog is taught to the main teams before growing up, then later management and special training are easier.
Getting used to staying at home alone
Teach your puppy to stay at home for a short time. Begin training when the puppy is tired and full. Leave the puppy first only in a small room, for example, in one room. Leave him toys and bones for comfort. Start the exercises to leave one with short periods and then increase the absence time. First the puppy can protest, yelping and barking, but do not come back to console him. If the puppy succeeds in persuading you to return several times, he will try to do the same in the future. When the puppy realizes that he can not bring you back, he will reconcile himself to his destiny. Remember that your return for the puppy is rewarded, although you are back to stop the noise. Therefore, it is better not to pay attention to the puppy’s attempts to return you, and always return only after the puppy has calmed down.